Mooring M1 QC
The mooring data displayed on the CeNCOOS website uses a biweighted standard deviation filter. The filter is only used for the display. Real-time data through the CeNCOOS data portal uses the QARTOD flagging. The biweight standard devation method in outlined in the paper: Lanzante in Int. Journal of Clim. Vol 16 pp1197-1266 (1996). The methodology was developed before QARTOD existed and works generally okay for the real-time plots. The data are manually reviewed after the mooring is recovered and the flags adjusted based upon the reviewers knowledge of the oceanographic region. The final data are written to NetCDF files and supplied to both MBARI and Axiom Data Science for dissemination.
The parameters used for sst are 2.25 for the standard deviation multiplier, 9 is the biweight coefficient used, 6 is ½ of the time window and 0.01 is minimum standard deviation to use if falls below this. It is a short duration time-weighted standard deviation filter essentially.
For Air temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure the same values as above are used. Note: Wind speed is not checked due to the large variability in those values and it makes no sense to run this on wind direction due to the 0 crossing.
ADCP data are flagged using the RDI scheme discussed in the Teledyne RDI manuals.