Staff, Governing Council & Principal Investigators

Governing Council

The 15-member CeNCOOS Governing Council meets about twice a year to discuss the organization’s structure and vision and to provide guidance to the Program Director. The Council is elected by CeNCOOS members, serve three-year terms and are located throughout central and northern California at various agencies and institutions.


Central program staff includes the Program Director, Program Manager, Information Manager and Product Developer who work out of the CeNCOOS office at MBARI in Moss Landing, California.

Principal Investigators

Individuals who contribute to the observing system, analysis of the data and the development of products are CeNCOOS investigators. This is an informal designation that is conferred and updated by the CeNCOOS staff with oversight from the Executive Committee. Most but not all investigators are supported by CeNCOOS grants either via sub-awards to their institution or via awards to their institution that includes a CeNCOOS work component. CeNCOOS investigators are expected to represent CeNCOOS externally and respond to requests for input, contribute to the scientific progress of CeNCOOS and participate in the annual meeting, grant-writing, and other CeNCOOS investigator activities.


Andrew DeVogelaere
Andrew DeVogelaere
Governing Council

Research Coordinator Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

Alex Harper
Alex Harper
Program Staff

Deputy Director CeNCOOS (240)-533-9451

Alexander Parker
Alexander Parker
Governing Council

Assistant Professor, Oceanography The California Maritime Academy

Amy West
Amy West
Associate Staff

Synchro Director MBARI 8317751965

Andrew Moore
Andrew Moore
Principal Investigator

Professor University of California, Santa Cruz

Barbara Block
Barbara Block
Principal Investigator

Professor Marine Sciences, Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station

Chad Whelan
Chad Whelan
Principal Investigator

Chief Technology Officer CODAR Ocean Sensors, Ltd.

Chris Edwards
Chris Edwards
Principal Investigator

Professor University of California, Santa Cruz

Clarissa Anderson
Clarissa Anderson
Principal Investigator

Executive Director SCCOOS

Corey Garza
Corey Garza
Governing Council, Principal Investigator

Professor of Marine Science California State University Monterey Bay 831-581-3024

Dan Costa
Dan Costa
Principal Investigator

Distinguished Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology UCSC

Dan Rudnick
Dan Rudnick
Principal Investigator

UCSD PhD. Collaborator

Dean Wendt
Dean Wendt
Governing Council

Dean of College of Science and Mathematics California Polytechnic State University

Holly Bowers
Dr. Holly Bowers
Principal Investigator

Research Faculty Moss Landing Marine Labs (831) 771-4138

Emily Bockmon
Emily Bockmon
Principal Investigator

Assistant Professor California Polytechnic State University

Eric Bjorkstedt, Chair of the Governing Council
Eric Bjorkstedt
Executive Committee, Governing Council

Research Fish Biologist NOAA/NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Fisheries Ecology Division

Francisco Chavez
Francisco Chavez
Executive Committee, Governing Council, Principal Investigator

Senior Scientist MBARI

Fred Bahr
Fred Bahr
Program Staff

Data and Information Manager CeNCOOS 831-775-1827

Henry Ruhl
Henry Ruhl
Program Staff

Director CeNCOOS (831) 775-2126

Jack Barth
Jack Barth
Principal Investigator

Professor and Associate Dean for Research Oregon State University

Jaime Jahncke
Jaime Jahncke
Governing Council, Principal Investigator

California Current Director Point Blue Conservation Science Point Blue Conservation Science

James Doyle
James Doyle
Principal Investigator

Head, Mesoscale Modeling Section, Marine Meteorology Division Naval Research Laboratory

Jason Adelaars
Jason Adelaars
Associate Staff

Synchro Technical Manager MBARI 8317751733

Jeffrey Abell
Jeffrey Abell, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator

Associate Professor of Chemical Oceanography Cal Poly, Humboldt (707) 826-5621

John Largier
John Largier
Governing Council, Principal Investigator

Professor UC Davis, Bodega Marine Lab

Justine Kimball, PhD
Justine Kimball
Governing Council

Senior Program Manager for the Climate Change Program Ocean Protection Council

Katharyn Boyer
Katharyn Boyer
Principal Investigator

Interim Director and Professor of Biology Estuary & Ocean Science Center (415) 338-3751

Laura Rogers-Bennett
Laura Rogers-Bennett
Governing Council

Senior Environmental Scientist California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Liz Whiteman
Liz Whiteman
Governing Council

Science Advisor CA Ocean Science Trust

Lynn deWitt
Lynn deWitt
Governing Council

Information Technology Specialist NOAA Pacific Fisheries Environmental Laboratory

Marine Lebrec
Marine Lebrec
Program Staff

Data Specialist CeNCOOS 831-775-2125

Marisol Garcia Reyes
Marisol Garcial Reyes
Principal Investigator

Farallon Institute, PhD. Collaborator

Mary Miller
Mary Miller
Executive Committee, Governing Council

Emeritus, faculty San Francisco Exploratorium

Megan McKinzie
Megan McKinzie
Associate Staff

ATN Data Coordinator CeNCOOS Program Office 831-775-1791

Patrick Daniel
Patrick Daniel
Associate Staff

UCSC PhD. Collaborator CeNCOOS

Raphe Kudela
Raphe Kudela
Executive Committee, Governing Council, Principal Investigator

Professor UC Santa Cruz Ocean Science Dept. and IMS

Rob Bochenek
Rob Bochenek
Principal Investigator

Information Architect Axiom Data Science

Rosa Maa-naa-xee-tr’e’ Laucci
Rosa Maa-naa-xee-tr'e' Laucci
Governing Council

Marine Division Manager Tolowa Dee-ni' Nation 707-487-9255

Ryan Walter
Ryan Walter
Principal Investigator

Associate Professor California Polytechnic State University

Scott Humphrey
Scott Humphrey
Governing Council

Executive Director, Marine Exchange of the San Francisco Bay Region 415-441-5045

Tessa Hill
Tessa Hill
Principal Investigator

Professor University of California, Davis

Tom Bell
Tom Bell
Principal Investigator

WHOI PhD Collaborator

Tom Connolly
Tom Connolly
Principal Investigator

Professor Moss Landing Marine Laboratories