Category Archives: Sensor Platforms

Bodega Mooring Climatologies
Monday, May 04, 2020 - 12:00amThe Bodega Ocean Observing Node (BOON) is at the Bodega Marine Laboratory (which is part of the University of California, Davis). BOON operates a series of buoys both off shore and in Tomales bay. They have created a climatology of the data from these buoys at: Bodega buoy climatologies

HF Radar Data Access
Monday, May 04, 2020 - 12:00amData Portal Links HF Radar Hourly Surface Currents (2km) For Northern CA – 2 km coverage area ends @ Bodega Bay, CA HF Radar Hourly Surface Currents (6km) 6 km surface current data for most of California and Orgeon HF Radar Hourly Surface Currents (500m) High Resolution Currents for SF Bay only How to download […]

Monterey Glider Line 66.7
Thursday, April 09, 2020 - 12:00amCurrent Glider Position Track (blue line) and current location (red dot) A glider continuously transects CalCOFI Line 66.7 between Monterey Bay and 500 km offshore to the southwest. Gliders have been collecting observations along this track since 2007. The map on the right shows the current location of the active glider.The active mission data is […]